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Effective Marketing

Pull Up Banners – 3 of the best.

There are many names for these types of displays. Some people call them banners, banner stands, pop up banners and even pull up banner stands.  They are all basically the same thing and they all do an important job – grab attention, and quickly get your message across in an impactful way.

Seeing is believing

Sometimes looks can be deceiving, and it’s only when you are actually up close and personal  that you realise the thing you think you are looking at is in fact something completely different. 

How to fix common errors with artwork setup

Every day our clients send us artwork to be printed.  These files come in all styles and sizes, but unfortunately not all files arrive print-ready!

Supplying the Right Logo File for Printing?

Most companies will have a logo  – a logo that customers can instantly recognise. A logo design can be made up of different elements; whether it’s the colour, the font or an image, this is what depicts your brand.

SCentre Rules for Bannerstands

If you have ever run a marketing or sampling campaign in any of the SCentre’s (formerly Westfield) then you will be aware that there are certain rules that you must adhere to. This is standard, and something as marketeers we accept and understand.

Cooking carts in food markets

There is pretty much nothing Australia cannot grow or produce. Less than 10% of our retail food is imported, and two thirds of our land is given over to farming. So it’s no wonder that visiting the spectacular city food markets on the weekend has become a social event for many families and foodies.

Food sampling and tasting – what factors make the difference?

When it comes to your sampling activity, what are the things you need to get right?  It’s a question you need to ask yourself when you are deciding on the details of your sampling campaign, and there are a few factors to take into consideration. Here some tips for your next campaign…

Is there room for another grocery discounter?

With Aldi and Lidl opening stores across Australia and giving the traditional grocery stores a run for their money, is there really any room for a third grocery discounter?

German retail company, Schwarz Group, has plans to bring the hypermart chain Kaufland to Australia.

Kaufland has seen success in Eastern Europe with more than 1,230 stores and has a strategy similar to Lidl and Aldi but sells branded products as well as its’ own discount merchandise.

Exhibition​ ​stands​ ​from​ ​around​ ​the​ ​world

In our industry we know the importance of standing out from the crowd. But it’s all too easy to blend in when it comes to large exhibition halls like the ICC Sydney. So how do you stand out amongst hundreds of different exhibitors, and how do you cut through all the traffic?

Knowing the Differences in Touchscreen Technology

We all expect to have information at our fingertips these days, whether it’s on our mobile phones, our tablets or computers. Touch screens are all around us and they are becoming extremely commonplace. It’s amazing how quickly touchscreens have come from a technological fantasy to something so widespread that it’s now considered standard. We only have to look at how much the mobile phone has advanced over the past decade to see how fast technology is advancing.
