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Effective Marketing

Global Trends in Retail

There’s probably no other industry that is going through as much evolution right now as retail; whether it’s in the mall or on the street, retail is definitely under pressure . Customers are demanding more and more in terms of store layout, payment options in store, customer engagement and staff knowledge.

Importance of Photographs at Events

Events offer a great opportunity to promote products or brands to a large crowd. There’s a tremendous amount of effort that goes along with organising an exhibition or event but, with its temporary nature, some may ask the question: what happens after the event is completed?

ICC Sydney proves its worth

The ICC Sydney has been open to the public for nearly a year now and it has already seen great success. This leading exhibition, convention and entertainment venue is delivering some very positive business outcomes and is fast becoming one of the world’s most desirable event destinations. The 50th anniversary of the Sydney International Boat Show was recently hosted over five days and took over the facilities offered by the ICC. It fully activated all 32,600sqm of exhibition space, along with the 5,000sqm event deck and Cockle Bay wharf, which housed 900 boats.

Keeping up with Exhibition Technology

Keeping up with technology can be hard – whether it’s the latest phone, a new app or our new interactive screens. But one thing is for sure we all need to keep informed of what is happening to stay on top of our game! 

Of course Displays 2 Go is well placed to see what’s happening at a local level, but what about trends in other countries?

ITR Events has spent the past two years collecting a sizeable amount of data. They visited more than 136 exhibitions, analysed more than 12,376 stands in the UK, and have come up with some interesting facts.

The difference between industrial and domestic LCD display screens

So you need to buy a new screen for your business, but is there really that much difference between a consumer screen and a commercial one – apart from the price?

Acrylic Display Cubes

Maybe it’s something that we take for granted or maybe we just don’t notice them, but acrylic display cubes are everywhere! The next time you’re out shopping take a look in shop windows, keep your eyes open at exhibition stands or in museums, all places where you can find these cubes, and notice how they are used to great effect to showcase products at their very best.

Two Million Free Samples Given Away

Sampling is still a massive component in the marketing mix, and there is often no better way to get a new product to market than by giving away samples. But how do you get noticed? How do you make some noise in an already crowded marketplace?

Evolution of the Exhibition Industry

The exhibition industry is changing, and so are the products we use. There’s no need to organise a truck to collect your stand and then have three people ready to erect it – today’s products are much more portable and lightweight. 

Sampling techniques

When thinking of free samples we inevitably think about food and drink, because the food and beverage industries have made sampling an integral part of their marketing strategy for years. Despite how quickly our world is changing, and the technology that goes with it, the tradition of sampling still lives on albeit in a more non-traditional way.

Has the ICC been a success?

It took 3 years to build, over 15,000 tonnes of steel and enough concrete to fill 40 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
