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Mall Activations

SCentre Rules for Bannerstands

If you have ever run a marketing or sampling campaign in any of the SCentre’s (formerly Westfield) then you will be aware that there are certain rules that you must adhere to. This is standard, and something as marketeers we accept and understand.

Cooking carts in food markets

There is pretty much nothing Australia cannot grow or produce. Less than 10% of our retail food is imported, and two thirds of our land is given over to farming. So it’s no wonder that visiting the spectacular city food markets on the weekend has become a social event for many families and foodies.

Is there room for another grocery discounter?

With Aldi and Lidl opening stores across Australia and giving the traditional grocery stores a run for their money, is there really any room for a third grocery discounter?

German retail company, Schwarz Group, has plans to bring the hypermart chain Kaufland to Australia.

Kaufland has seen success in Eastern Europe with more than 1,230 stores and has a strategy similar to Lidl and Aldi but sells branded products as well as its’ own discount merchandise.

Follow up on leads – it’s worth it!

Data capture and following up on leads from an exhibition or trade show has never been easier. No longer do you need reams of paper to collect names, phone numbers and email addresses as it’s all captured on a tablet and sent straight to your database, ready for you or your sales team to follow up on.

Expert Help When You Need It.

Exhibiting at a show takes a lot of planning, organisation and time. But even the best laid plans can go wrong.

Business Grants for Exhibition and Event Stands

With plenty of events back on the calendar, we’re keen to get stuck into some new projects and deliver some great results for our clients. We have some excellent examples of exhibition stands both standard and custom made. 

Everything you need to know about product sampling

Product sampling is an important part of the marketing mix for many brands that allows potential customers to experience a product before buying it. It’s an effective way for businesses to get their products in front of the right people and ultimately increase sales. But product sampling isn’t just about giving away free products; it can also help build brand loyalty, gain user feedback, and give your company valuable data. Let’s dive into what product sampling is and how it can benefit your business.

What is brand activation?

Brand activation refers to the process of bringing a brand to life and engaging with consumers in a meaningful way. It can involve a variety of tactics, such as experiential marketing, social media campaigns, and promotional events. Brand activation aims to create a strong emotional connection between consumers and a brand, ultimately driving sales and brand loyalty.

 Visual Merchandising Displays

A Guide to Effective Visual Merchandising Displays

Explore the art of captivating displays with our comprehensive guide to effective visual merchandising. Unlock the secrets to creating visually stunning showcases that not only engage customers but also boost sales

Upgrade Your Space with Vinyl floor and Linoleum Flooring

When it comes to selecting the right flooring for your space, the options can be overwhelming. One excellent choice that stands out is linoleum flooring. In this article, we will delve into the world of linoleum flooring, exploring its benefits, installation, maintenance, design, durability, commercial uses, and environmental advantages...
