All you need to know about artwork design.
Artwork Design
Need help to create your artwork files? We can design your "stop 'em in the aisle" graphics or we can work with material supplied by your ad agency, graphic designer or printer. We can accept any digital format, be it Mac or PC-based.
If you are intending to supply artwork to us, be sure your graphic designer checks our artwork file specifications and supplies artwork to the correct spec. Most of our product website pages also have sizing guides available to download. Feel free to talk to us before starting your artwork to ensure the specifications are fully met.
Our design studio can also prepare the artwork for you, covering any product you need whether Brandframe walls, pop-up displays, portable display panels, plinths or anything else. To get started there are guides available for preparing a design brief, sending large artwork files that are too big for email, or preparing a brief for an exhibition stand design.
Looking for some inspiration? Click on the link below to review our photo galleries for exhibition stands, retail displays, sampling and demonstrating products, experiential marketing, mall displays and more.