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Stepping into the light

When marketing a product, 93% of consumers place visual appearance as one of the most important factors when shopping*. With this in mind, it is crucial that whatever you’re trying to sell or present is well lit and attracts attention.

Fifty Shades of Grey – SuperSexy

It’s hot, it’s steamy and it’s like nothing you have seen before!

In short, it’s truly massive.

New Product Launch

There are many ways to launch a new product into the marketplace and businesses do it every day, but only a small proportion are successful. What steps can you take to increase your chances of success and make a greater impact in the marketplace?


Supermarket sampling is a fantastic way to gain product trial and sales, because it happens right at the point of purchase. 

What are pop up & pull up banners?

Pop up banners, sometimes referred to as pull up banners or banner stands, are simple cost effective display solutions.

The low down on demonstration tables

Portable sales tables, demonstration tables, sampling tables – so many names but are they all the same? 

It’s all about creating brand relationships

More and more companies these days are adopting experiential marketing as a backbone to their overall branding plans.

Australia’s Supermarket Crisis

Grocery prices were said to have fallen by 40% in the UK, so what is in store for Australian shoppers? Gone are the days when you simply shopped at your nearest supermarket, now shoppers have to decide which supermarket can give them the best bang for their buck!

Portable Child Care Centres in Shopping Malls

We have all been there, need to go shopping but have got the kids in toe…..if only there was another solution. 

What are Plinths, Pedestals and Podiums?

Many customers don’t understand the terms plinth, pedestal or podium, and we’re often asked to explain what we mean.  It’s understandable as they’re quite similar really but used in slightly different ways.
